제 목 강좌등록일  
 Oracle10g에서 CONNECT BY의 새로운 기능들 2006-04-12
아래 강좌는 Oracle10g의 내용을 새롭게 정리했습니다.
1. Architecture,아키텍처 2006-04-10
1.1 Overview of the System Global Area
1.1.1 The SGA_MAX_SIZE Initialization Parameter 2006-04-10
1.1.2 Automatic Shared Memory Management,ALTER SYSTEM 2006-04-10
1.1.3 Database buffer cache 2006-04-10
1.1.4 Redo log buffer, Shared pool, Large pool 2006-04-10
1.2 Overview of the Program Global Areas 2006-04-10
2. Process Architecture
2.1 User Processes, Server Processes 2006-04-10
2.2 Background Process 2006-04-10
3. Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments
3.1 Overview of Data Blocks 2006-04-10
3.1.1 PCTFREE, PCTUSED, and Row Chaining 2006-04-10
3.1.2 Automatic Space Segment Management 2006-04-10
3.2 Overview of Extents 2006-04-11
3.3 Overview of Segments 2006-04-11
4. Tablespaces
4.1 Datafiles and Tablespaces 2006-04-11
4.2 Overview of Tablespaces 2006-04-11
4.3 테이블스페이스를 할당하는 방법 2006-04-11
4.4 Bigfile Tablespace 2007-08-06
4.5 Temporary Tablespace Group 2007-08-06
4.6 (10gR2)Full UNDO tablespace 2008-10-29
5. Managing Partitioned Tables and Indexes
5.1 Partition Table 이란? 2006-06-17
5.2 Range Partition 2006-06-17
5.3 Hash Partition 2006-06-17
5.4 List Partition 2006-06-18
5.5 Composite Partition
5.5.1 Composite Range-Hash Partitioning 2006-06-18
5.5.2 Composite Range-List Partitioning 2006-06-18
5.6 파티션 인덱스 2006-06-18
6. RAC(Real Application Cluster) 2007-08-06

출처 : oracleclub.com

'DB > Oracle 10g 강좌' 카테고리의 다른 글

RAC(Real Application Cluster)  (0) 2009.10.31
Partition Index  (0) 2009.10.31
Composite Range-List Partitioning  (0) 2009.10.31
Composite Range-Hash Partitioning  (0) 2009.10.31
List Partition  (0) 2009.10.31
Posted by 야동우